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Manifestation, Gratitude, and Shiva the Destroyer


  • Lions Gate Day

    • Significance of August 8th, traditionally known as a day of manifestation and creation.

The Vedic Perspective on Creation

  • The Cycle of Nature

    • Explanation of the cycle: Creation, Maintenance, and Destruction.

    • Personification in Hinduism

      • Brahma: The Creative Force.

      • Vishnu: The Maintenance Force.

      • Shiva: The Destruction Force.

  • After Shiva, Brahma

    • Importance of dissolution for new creation.

Shiva: The Destroyer

  • Shiva’s Role in Dissolution

    • The necessity of dissolving forms to make way for new creations.

    • Shiva’s Imagery

      • Rudra: The Fierce Destroyer.

      • Modern Interpretation: The Blissful Yogi.

    • Attachment to Forms

      • Emotional and mental attachments to forms.

      • The pain of dissolution and its necessity.

Brahma: The Creator

  • Creation After Dissolution

    • The cycle of destruction is followed by creation.

    • Analogy of the Umbilical Cord

      • The necessity of letting go for new creation to flourish.

    • Scarcity of Brahma Depictions

      • The challenge of finding Brahma's depictions compared to Vishnu and Shiva.

      • Ego and Creation

        • The danger of the ego infiltrating the creative process.

      • The Myth of Brahma's Son

        • The consequences of excluding Shiva from the process of creation.

The Interplay of Creation and Destruction

  • Inviting Shiva to the Creation Process

    • The necessity of embracing dissolution during creation.

    • Hindu Deities as Consciousness Plays

      • Interpretation of the deities as representations of consciousness.

      • Awareness and Light

        • Using stories and myths to bring subconscious aspects to light.

Manifestation and Non-Attachment

  • Non-Attachment in Vedic Meditation

    • The importance of non-attachment to outcomes.

    • Manifestation and Gratitude

      • The connection between manifestation and the energy of gratitude.

Gratitude as a Practice

  • The Law of Resonance

    • Scientific explanation of resonance and its application in manifestation.

    • Presence and Gratitude

      • The relationship between presence and the ability to feel gratitude.

  • Guided Gratitude Meditation

    • Kim Eng's Meditation

      • The practice of feeling gratitude in the body.

      • Breath and Emotion

        • How breathwork influences emotional states.

    • Applying Gratitude in Daily Life

      • Techniques to invoke gratitude and reduce stress.

      • Physical Practice of Gratitude

        • The connection between physical sensation and emotional states.


  • Expanding the Practice

    • Encouragement to explore the felt sense of gratitude.


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